Commission Information

Falsemind Studios happily takes commissions! I deliver a digital copy in high resolution for personal and private use

Commissioners will be asked to pay half of the expected total price up front to begin work. The remainder of the cost of a work will be expected before work is completed, and the typical delivery time is 7 days from initial sketching. Commissions of $50 or less will be asked to pay in full instead of the normal half cost deposit.

During the process, I will give you updates via email or discord to get your feedback on the piece, typically at the sketch phase and other major development phases.

Please contact me for a commission you are considering! I am quite welcoming and pride myself on being easy to work with. I will return the message with an estimate. Art for commercial use and resale will require a customized quote to reflect the nature of the work.




Please read the spooky looking terms of service!